Fish Forum 2018

In order to revert alarming trends in the status of Mediterranean and Black Sea fish stocks, in which roughly 90 percent of the scientifically assessed stocks are currently considered to be fished outside of safe biological limits, the demand for scientific and technical advice on fisheries management is ever increasing. At the same time, advancements in fisheries science are occurring with unprecedented speed, thanks to new technologies; it is therefore essential that the scientific community, policy makers and NGO representatives stay abreast of these developments, ensuring capacity and synergies to meet the region’s challenges.

The Fish Forum 2018 is a key activity of the mid-term strategy (2017-2020) towards the sustainability of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries, adopted as Resolution GFCM/40/2016/2. The importance of this event was also recalled in the Malta MedFish4Ever Declaration (30, March 2017) where the reinforcement of scientific knowledge was stressed.

The Fish Forum 2018, the first event of its kind in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region, will encompass oceanographic, social science and economic perspectives on fisheries research. It will therefore review leading work that has been carried out, while also addressing the pillars for the development of fisheries science. It will also take stock of progress made mainly towards achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, on the conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources, as well as other intrinsically interrelated SDGs, such as SDG 5 on gender equality, SDG 8 on decent work and economic growth and SDG 13 on climate action.


The Fish Forum 2018 will have an interdisciplinary focus, addressing the three interrelated themes listed below. Thematic sessions will highlight leading research in these areas based, among others, on contributions received through a call for abstracts. Keynote speakers will spotlight cross-cutting topics and thematic panels and transversal panels will offer opportunities for dynamic discussion on prominent issues.

Download: Programme (PDF) | Draft calendar (PDF).

Side events

Side events are foreseen to complement the main thematic discussions and draw attention to innovative work, while poster sessions and stands will provide further opportunities to showcase relevant research. To propose a workshop or side event, please submit a letter detailing your proposal

Fecha inicio: 
Lunes, 10 Diciembre 2018
Fecha fin: 
Viernes, 14 Diciembre 2018
FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome, Italy

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations